jueves, 9 de agosto de 2012

Teaching Resources


I have found useful websites where I can download interesting books:

1) I searched in google " Teaching books for children". Here is the link to download "Children's book Forever!" http://www.childrensbooksforever.com/

2) I searched in google "English for specific purposes". Here is the first page where you can find the description of the book.http://www.ebook3000.com/English-for-Specific-Purposes--Cambridge-Language-Teaching-Library-_85272.html
Then if you want to download the book you can do it here:

3) I found a book called "Pronunciation Studio" http://www.anenglishaccent.com/documents/An%20English%20Accent%20Free%20Sample.pdf

4) Last semester I learned about idioms and expressions in English , so this could be useful to read it: http://www.noblepath.info/idioms_and_expressions/idioms_and_expressions.pdf

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